Psi – nimajo vstopa v trgovino, restavracije, parke, plaže in ostale kraje, kjer je ljudem vstop dovoljen. A vendar so ob naravnih in ostalih katastrofah prvi v vrsti s svojimi vodniki, ki pomagajo iskati ponesrečene ljudi.

Ali ni že skrajni čas za mentalni preklop v glavi, kjer bi lahko bili psi povsod dobrodošli, zaželjeni in spoštovanja vredni? Zalo hitro se lahko zgodi situacija, ko bo lahko vsak od nas potreboval pomoč štirih tačk. Jo bodo tedaj neljubitelji psov zavrnili?

Na spodnjih fotografijah si lahko ogledate pogumne pse in reševalce iz cele Evrope, ki so že v Turčiji ali pa na poti.

A search and rescue dog and a rescuer of International Search and Rescue (ISAR) Germany stand as they arrive to Gaziantep to help find survivors of the deadly earthquake in Turkey, at Gaziantep Airport, Turkey, Feb. 7, 2023.
Fire fighters from Serbia arrive at the Adana Sakirpasa Airport following the earthquake in Adana, Turkey Feb. 7, 2023.
Rescuers are seen before the departure of 50 members of the HUNOR Hungarian Rescue Team to the earthquake-hit Türkiye, Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 6, 2023. (EPA Photo)
A Romanian rescue worker (C) and his specially trained rescue dog attend a final briefing before being deployed to southern Türkiye to help local authorities in their rescue missions after the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria, at military airbase No. 90, Otopeni, near Bucharest, Romania, Feb. 6, 2023. (EPA Photo)
Members of the urban search and rescue (USAR) team of Czech firefighters prepares to fly to earthquake-hit Türkiye to help search for people in debris, at Leos Janacek Airport, in Ostrava, Czech Republic, Feb. 6, 2023. (AP Photo)
May be an image of dog and outdoors

Tudi slovenske tačke bodo pomagale reševati

Na poti v Turčijo so tudi vodniki s psi iz Klub vodnikov reševalnih psov Kranj.

May be an image of 9 people and people standing
May be an image of 7 people and indoor
May be an image of 3 people and dog
May be an image of dog
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